
Increasingly, companies and other entities which operate in the economic world seek to simplify their structures and outsource all or certain part of the inherent services relating to their administrative management processes and other fields. Along with the attention to legal, labor, tax, accounting or financial specific needs that Verdía Advisors and Consultants provides from other areas, it additionally brings to the clients the possibility of performing by themselves certain management activities.

Main services:

  • Receipt and review of the correspondence in respect of which the client indicates like address for notifications and mail and courier shipments, the address of the leasing service, and especially the correspondence relating to transactions and positions with financial institutions and public agencies.
  • Dealing with financial institutions, clients and suppliers of the customer, regarding aspects and issues of administrative nature or constitutive of the formalization of its business relationships.
  • Planning of office and administrative tasks for convenient execution and provision of adequate means in this regard.
  • Creating reports about the status and state of accounts with, clients, suppliers, financial institutions and public agencies.
  • Cash management, and financial forecasts. Remittance of invoices and effects to financial institutions for their collection management, and preparation of the execution of payment instructions, commitments or obligations, according to the client.
  • Temporary file of the received or compiled by the client documentation.